Saturday, February 26, 2011


Admit it. One of the top perks of working abroad is earning much more than any company in the Philippines can probably afford to pay you. This is a reality any OFY should never brag about but at the same time should never be ashamed of. In exchange for being miles away from our families, I say, we deserve it.

I recently attended an event held by a Real Estate company who sells condos to OFWs and I found one statement in their presentation really funny. It goes something like "Invest now.. Don't come home with just a photo album..."

I don't blame this statement because many families of OFWs sort of expect anyone who worked abroad to go home a millionaire, bringing with him gifts like the delayed Christmas Maggi. Coming home with almost nothing is frowned upon and gives the impression that you havent worked enough.Well, this does not automatically ring true because aside from the money most OFYs send home, there's also the higher more expensive standard of living that an OFY needs to be able to survive in. Okay, enough with the excuses.... this "photo album" statement made me wonder and ask around... what are the top things an OFY commonly spends on (aside from the monthly padala and basic necessities)? Here's your top ten

  1. Electronics (Laptop, TV, mobile phones)
  2. Shopping for clothes and shoes
  3. House repairs and renovations of parent's house
  4. Pasalubong and balikbayan boxes
  5. School tuition for younger siblings
  6. Holiday trip or Vacation (Boracay and Bangkok anyone?)
  7. a Louis Vuitton
  8. Real Estate in the Philippines (lot for parents or a condo unit)
  9. Start-Up business
  10. Family Car

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